Float Studio
Agency Webflow Template

Webflow CMS icon
Webflow Ecommerce icon
Webflow User Accounts icon
User Accounts
Figma Available

Showcase the best of what you do using Float Studio. A unique template built to present your business or agency in the best light.

Webflow dark agency website template full page mobile navigationWebflow agency website template grainy dark landing page call to actionPremium Webflow agency website template dark designWebflow agency template landing pageWebflow agency website template project landing slider
Webflow dark agency website template full page mobile navigationWebflow agency website template grainy dark landing page call to actionPremium Webflow agency website template dark design

Modern, elegant and unique; Float Studio.


  • Projects Collection - Showcase your best work in a visual way that makes you stand out.
  • Team Members - A personalised profile for each member of your team, so your clients can get to know you.
  • Blog Posts - Provide helpful resources, insightful tips and more to grow your brand online.
  • Infinite Listing Images Carousel - A unique infinite carousel to showcase your listings in the best light.
  • Reusable Sections - Plenty of reusable sections for when you need to expand your content.
  • Browser Compatibility - Displays consistently across all major browsers.
  • Newsletter Signup Form - Encourage your users to keep up-to-date on your business and offerings.
  • Clean Animations - Adding movement and excitement without the overwhelm.
  • Variables - Update colours, font, border radius and site width with the click of a button; thanks to Webflow's new Variables feature.
  • Pricing Cards - Offer packages that suit your clients needs

22x Pages included in the Float Studio Template

  • Home/Landing page
  • Work with us
  • Our Process
  • Packages
  • About (Team Members CMS)
  • Our Work (Projects CMS)
  • Projects Template (CMS)
  • Project Types Template (CMS)
  • FAQs
  • Blog (CMS)
  • Blog Posts Template (CMS)
  • Blog Tags Template (CMS)
  • Connect
  • Thank You
  • Utility Pages (404 Page, Password Protected Page)
  • Legal Pages (Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions)
  • Admin (Getting Started, Style Guide, Components, Changeling, Licenses)

Edit styles on one page for your convenience

You can update styles using the Style Guide admin page. Changes you make here using Tag or Class selectors will show up through the whole site. Classes are clear and simple to learn with explanations on things that need it - making your life as easy as possible!

Make Component changes in one place

The Components admin page is provided for you to make global changes all in one place. Learn more about customising components here.

Royalty Free Images & Icons

Use the images and icons on the template to your heart's content - they're all source from Royalty Free asset providers like Unsplash or Flaticon. You can learn more about licensing on the Licenses page of the template.

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